appetizers and snacks
Deviled Eggs
Easy deviled eggs recipe made with mustard, mayonnaise, vinegar, and seasonings for a simple appetizer to serve durin...
Bruschetta with Tomato and Basil
Classic Italian bruschetta recipe loaded with fresh tomatoes on top of toasted bread slices. The perfect appetizer fo...
Baked Chicken Wings
Baked chicken wings are the perfect game-time appetizer! Thoroughly drying the meat and using baking powder ensures c...
Twice Baked Potatoes
Easy recipe for twice-baked potatoes loaded with a savory filling, broiled to melt the cheese, then topped with crisp...
Chicken Lettuce Wraps
Asian chicken lettuce wraps, ready in under 30 minutes! The meat and veggies stir-fry in flavorful sauces, then get s...
Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce
This Thai chicken satay with peanut sauce is a delicious appetizer or meal. The meat is briefly soaked in a coconut c...
Crab Cakes
Crab cakes appetizer made with panko breadcrumbs to help bind the seafood and vegetables together while providing a c...
Chicken Yakitori
Chicken yakitori recipe is an easy Japanese grilled dish served on skewers. The chicken is basted with a savory sweet...
Bacon Wrapped Shrimp
Bacon wrapped shrimp appetizer that’s guaranteed to impress. Bacon is by par-cooked first before wrapping around ma...
Instant Pot Swedish Meatballs
Easy Instant Pot Swedish meatballs simmered in a delicious creamy gravy. The meat is a mix of ground beef, pork, brea...
Stuffed Mushrooms
Savor the flavor of juicy, tender stuffed mushrooms filled with a delicious blend of herbs, cheese, and spices. Perfe...
Pigs in a Blanket
Pigs in a blanket are a quick and easy appetizer ready in just 15 minutes! Made with only four ingredients, just cut,...
Baked Brie in Puff Pastry
Gooey melted cheese baked in a flaky puff pastry crust and topped with cranberry sauce, herbs, and nuts—perfect app...
Shrimp Spring Rolls with Peanut Dipping Sauce
Fresh shrimp spring rolls with a delicious peanut dipping sauce. Each roll is filled with healthy crisp vegetables, r...
Crockpot Buffalo Chicken Dip
This crockpot buffalo chicken dip recipe is the perfect game day or party appetizer. It's easy to make, full of flavo...
Crispy Vegetable Fritters
These crispy vegetable fritters are packed with broccoli, carrots, and zucchini. Dip each delicious appetizer fritter...
Baked Zucchini Fries
Baked zucchini fries appetizer paired with a homemade honey mustard dipping sauce. This recipe makes crispy & crunchy...
Roasted Artichokes
I absolutely love the deep, nutty flavor that develops when artichokes are roasted. The process also enhances the nat...
Baked Kale Chips
Crunchy baked kale chips are a healthy snack. Lacinato kale leaves are cut into large strips, then tossed with olive ...
Southern Deviled Eggs
Delicious Southern-style deviled eggs with a special blend of spices to create the perfect balance of creamy, tangy, ...
How to Make Crostini
Crostini is an easy appetizer with thin baguette slices lightly toasted until golden brown and crispy. Customize with...
Avocado Deviled Eggs
Indulge in a healthy twist on a classic appetizer with these avocado deviled eggs. Creamy and flavorful, they are a c...
Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus
Delicious prosciutto-wrapped asparagus makes the perfect appetizer or side dish, and it's ready to serve in just 30 m...
Smoked Salmon Dip
Make this easy smoked salmon dip in just 10 minutes! It’s perfect for serving with crunchy bread or crisp vegetable...
Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings
These crispy baked lemon pepper chicken wings are easy to make for parties and game days when you need an appetizer t...
BBQ Chicken Wings
Get ready for a finger-licking good time with these BBQ chicken wings! Perfectly baked and smothered in barbecue sauce.
Cranberry Relish
My delicious cranberry relish is incredibly versatile, complementing savory dishes like roasted turkey or chicken, an...
Apple Nachos
I absolutely love making apple nachos because they're a deliciously fun and healthy treat!
Buffalo Chicken Sliders
Savor the spicy and tangy flavor of buffalo chicken in mini slider form. These bite-sized sandwiches are perfect for ...
Honey Hot Wings
Craving something spicy and sweet? Try out this delicious honey hot wings recipe!
Cranberry Brie Bites
Cranberry brie bites recipe made with puff pastry, cheese, and cranberry sauce. It's a quick and easy appetizer for t...
French Onion Dip
Serving a bowl of French onion dip with potato chips or crunchy vegetables is a must-have appetizer for parties and g...
Buffalo Chicken Pizza
Take your game day meal to the next level with a buffalo chicken pizza layered with creamy ranch dressing and three t...
Chicken Nachos
Game day is not complete without a big plate of chicken nachos by your side. This recipe makes for an easy meal to sh...
Buffalo Sauce
Homemade buffalo sauce recipe with just the right level of heat. Perfect for slathering on buffalo wings or using it ...
Candied Walnuts
Candied walnuts make a delicious snack, topping for salads, addition to a charcuterie board, or an edible gift for th...
Crab Salad with Serrano and Kewpie Mayonnaise
This quick and easy salad combines bright and acidic lime juice with cilantro, mint, and succulent crab meat.
Tomato Bruschetta
This bruschetta makes the most of ripe summer tomatoes for an appetizer that comes together in just minutes.
Grilled Shrimp Cocktail with Fresh Tomato Cocktail Sauce
Give shrimp cocktail a seasonal, smoky upgrade with this recipe, an ideal appetizer for summer dinner parties and coo...
Brussels Sprouts Baba Ghanoush
Michael Solomonov, chef at Zahav in Philadelphia, serves this brilliant riff on baba ghanoush at the restaurant, but ...
Salmon Crudo
This stunning appetizer showcases juicy grapefruit with thinly sliced raw salmon, herbs, yuzu kosho, and a coconut mi...
Tender, Sizzling Hush Puppies
Fluffy hush puppies served with a sweet and spicy butter make for the ultimate appetizer.
Tuna-Avocado Ceviche with Salsa Macha
No matter what you serve it on, once you make and taste your first salsa macha, it will earn its place in your fridge...
Bacon-Wrapped Scallops
These two-bite quintessential cocktail party scallops are easy to prepare and ready in just half an hour. The bacon a...
Fried Pickle Dip
This dip has all the flavors of fried pickles without having to heat up the fryer.
Garlic-Butter Steak Bites
A pan sauce made from roasted garlic, dry vermouth, butter, and Worcestershire envelops each cube of strip steak, ens...
Mini Deviled Crab Cornbread Muffins
At his dinner parties in Harlem, chef and cookbook author Alexander Smalls pairs creamy, slightly spicy, fresh devile...
Masala Mixed Nuts
These fried peanuts, cashews, almonds, and walnuts are seasoned with a mix of spices, including mild Kashmiri chile p...
Classic Swiss Cheese Fondue
Steamed red-skinned potato chunks, grilled or toasted Tuscan bread cubes, and pear slices are all great for dipping i...
Chicken Liver Pâté
Jacques Pépin's recipe for chicken liver pâté is silky-smooth, inexpensive, and simple to make — and perfect wit...
Tomatillo Toasts with Prosciutto and Manchego
Inspired by classic pan con tomate, a Spanish dish of bread rubbed with fresh tomato, former F&W culinary director at...
Caviar Waffle Bites
Instead of serving blini alongside a tin of caviar, Justin Chapple makes these adorable handheld snacks. Waffles are ...
Mini Wedge Salads with Anchovy Dressing
These mini wedges are coated in a creamy, anchovy-packed dressing and dredged in crunchy panko, making them easy to e...
Roasted Tomato-Basil Hummus
With familiar flavors of a classic pizza sauce, roasting peak-season tomatoes make all the difference in this hummus....
Warm Camembert with Wild Mushroom Fricassee
Chef Daniel Boulud makes this oozy appetizer with Vacherin Mont-d’Or, a creamy cheese sold at top cheese shops. Cam...
Red Wine Bagna Cauda with Crudités
This garnet sauce is Chris Cosentino's take on the classic Piedmontese anchovy-and-olive-oil dip, enriched here with ...
Bacon-Wrapped Cherry Peppers
These genius hors d'oeuvres from Colby Garrelts (an F&W Best New Chef 2005) call for just three ingredients. The reci...
Grilled Squash Ribbons and Prosciutto with Mint Dressing
Grilling zucchini and summer squash ribbons on skewers is terrific because the edges become wonderfully charred and c...
Popcorn with Sesame-Glazed Pistachios
Mixing popcorn with glazed pistachios creates a sweet-salty snack that's fantastic with cocktails.
Peanut and Watermelon Chaat
Fun-to-eat chaats are often served as appetizers or enjoyed as street snacks throughout South Asia. Here, chef Vishwe...
Watermelon Salad with Feta and Mint
The secret behind Jacques Pépin's stunning salad is using a melon baller to make spheres of juicy watermelon. It's t...
Bacon-Wrapped Watermelon Rind Pickles
Sweet-and-sour store-bought pickled watermelon rind is swaddled in crispy bacon for this salty, tangy, chewy hors d'o...